******************Watercolor Requirements For CNYWS Exhibitions********************** 

All work must be original

No reproductions will be accepted.

Works done at a workshop or under the supervision of an instructor are not eligible.

Paintings done from published photos or reference work that are not the creation of the artist are ineligible.  Photo reference material must be by you, the artist, or from a permission-granted, non-published photo taken by others personally known by the artist—and not from a published/copyright free online site. (This additional clarification was approved at 1/ 10/ 24 CNYWS BOD meeting.)

Paintings shown at previous CNYWS exhibits are not accepted.

All paintings must have been executed within the past two years.

All work must be of water-soluble media on paper or Yupo. 

Paintings are to be matted (2 inches minimum) with white or off-white mats. If desired, a 1/4 inch colored liner may be added. Works are to be wired on the backs and framed behind Plexiglas. NO GLASS. NO SAWTOOTH HANGERS. Make sure frame is in good condition.

Water- soluble media include: Transparent or opaque watercolor, casein, gouache, egg tempera, and acrylic painted in an aqueous manner. ("Aqueous" to indicate that that pigment has not been applied in a thick, impasto-like way)

A limited use of pastel, collage or ink, not constituting more than 10% of the painting is allowed

We encourage our Signature Members to exhibit in our two annual Signature Member Exhibitions and All members to participate in our juried exhibitions. We ask that you enter only your best work. Remember that these exhibits are our showcase. Artwork entered into our exhibitions must remain on display for the duration of the show. 

ARTIST STATEMENTS:  Brief (30 words or less) statements that are pertinent to each painting are required for our exhibits. Please click the link below to download recommendations regarding preparation of your artist statement(s).

                        artist statements

ORIGINALITY STATEMENTS: In each prospectus there will be a form to sign that verifies that the painting you are submitting for exhibition meets our requirements as stated above. This form should be taped to the back of your painting(s) and is to be checked by the committee members receiving the work for each exhibit.

***************************PREPARING YOUR WORK FOR DISPLAY******************************

All work must be properly framed and wired for hanging.

No sawtooth hangers accepted. Plexiglas only! NO GLASS!

Your work should be presented in a professional manner / no obvious scratches, dents, rickety framing, dirty mats, etc.

Boxes, shipping or otherwise, must be sturdy and protective of painting(s).

Paintings should be additionally protected with bubble wrap or sheets of cardboard as spacers, etc.

Do not use styrofoam peanuts! Please cut hand holes in the sides of boxes delivered to the gallery for ease of handling by collectors and installation crew. Click link provided to download instructions:

 Sturdy Box Instructions

Make sure you have attached the labels provided to your box(es).

Please keep these requirements handy and review them when preparing work

for display for CNYWS.

Thank YOU!

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